Aging & Disability Professional Association of Wisconsin
Section 1 NAME
The name of this association shall be Aging & Disability Professionals Association of Wisconsin (ADPAW).
Section 2 MISSION
Our mission is to promote and foster the growth and expertise of professionals working with older adults, adults with disabilities and their caregivers.
The association shall at the local, state and federal level:
- Advocate for a strong consumer voice on issues affecting our target population.
- Investigate, formulate positions, and advocate on issues affecting our customers and/or the systems that serve them.
- Provide a forum for information sharing, networking, and collaboration.
- Lead and shape programs and services for current and future customers.
- Recognize significant contributions of individuals and agencies that enhance public understanding of issues related to aging or disability.
- Provide and support training that promotes growth, leadership, and expertise of professionals within the field of aging or disability.
- General voting membership in the Association is open to individuals whose primary purpose is to manage Older Americans Act and/or Aging & Disability Resource Center programs and services. (Examples: County/Tribal Aging Unit Directors, ADRC Directors, Assistant Directors, Local Aging/ADRC/Tribal Supervisors).
- An organization may have multiple general memberships.
- Membership is attached to a single position and automatically transfers to a new person filling the same position.
- Associate membership (non-voting) shall be open to any individual, group or organization interested in the association’s work.
- Membership shall be granted for one (1) calendar year commencing in the first month of the calendar year.
- The privilege of voting, holding a position on the board, serving on a committee, or representing the association on statewide committees, boards, task forces is limited to general members in good standing.
- Annual membership fees shall be determined by the members at an association meeting and will be payable to the association treasurer in January of each year.
Section 1 OFFICERS
The officers include a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer who shall be elected at the annual meeting of the association by a vote of the majority of the members present. Officers shall assume their duties following their election at the annual meeting.
The officers shall be elected for a term of two (2) years. No individual may serve more than three (3) consecutive terms in any one office. Officer terms may be extended to five (5) consecutive terms when there is no other association member willing to fill the officer position and with a majority vote of the association membership present at the annual meeting. When a Board of Directors member-at-large is elected to an officer position, he/she will begin a new term of office cycle.
The Board of Directors members-at-large shall be elected at the annual meeting by vote of the majority of members present. Members-at-large will serve a term of office for two (2) years. No member-at-large may serve more than three (3) consecutive terms.
The Board of Directors shall consist of the four (4) elected officers, the immediate past President, who shall serve on the board for one (1) year as a non-voting member, and the members-at-large. The board shall consist of no more than 11 voting members.
The Board of Directors is elected to represent the business and best interest of the total association and shall:
- Be informed about the association’s mission, services, policies, and programs.
- Keep up-to-date on issues and developments of importance to the association.
- Review the agenda and supporting materials prior to board and association meetings.
- Serve on committees and offer to take on special assignments.
- Carry out fiduciary responsibilities, such as reviewing the association’s annual financial statement.
- Inform others about the association.
- Suggest possible nominees who can make significant contributions to the work of the board and association.
- Follow conflict of interest and confidentiality policies.
- Attend a minimum of three board meetings per year. If absent more than three times in a year, a member may be replaced at the discretion of the President and a majority vote of the board.
- Notify the president, in advance, if they are unable to attend any scheduled board meetings.
- Notify the president in writing if they are unable to fulfill the above obligations and either request a leave of absence or submit their resignation from the board, so a new member can be appointed.
Any three (3) members of the board may call a special meeting of the board, after no less than five (5) days notice has been given to each member. A majority of the Board of Directors constitutes a quorum, which shall be required for the conduct of business.
The President shall appoint a nominating committee consisting of at least three (3) members, who will solicit nominations from the membership in accordance with the above guidelines prior to the annual meeting. Nominating Committee shall preside over the election process at the annual meeting.
The President, with the approval of a majority of the Board of Directors, shall fill by appointment vacancies of an unexpired term occurring for any cause. Appointed members will complete the unexpired term of the vacant position and will then begin a new term of office cycle.
- President
The President shall:
- Develop agendas for and preside at all meetings of the association and board of directors.
- Have knowledge of the association and personal commitment to its goals and objectives.
- Act as spokesperson for the association.
- Serve on the executive committee.
- Call special meetings as necessary.
- Appoint committee chairs, with the approval of the Executive Committee, and assist in the effort to recruit committee members.
- Appoint ADPAW membership representation on other boards, associations, committees, etc. when requested and as needed.
- Provide leadership in the training and transition period of new board members.
- Work with the Nominating Committee to recruit new board members.
- Consult with board members as needed to ensure that members are engaged and actively contributing to board functions.
- Perform such other duties as are normally incumbent upon this office.
- Serve at his/her pleasure as an ex-officio member of all committees.
- Vice-President
The Vice-President shall:
- Attend all board and association meetings.
- Have knowledge of the association and personal commitment to its goals and objectives.
- Serve on the executive committee.
- Assist in providing leadership in the training and transition period of new board members.
- Carry out special assignments as requested by the board president.
- Understand the responsibilities of the board president and be able to perform these duties in the president’s absence.
- Participate as a vital part of the board leadership.
- Secretary
The Secretary shall:
- Attend all board and association meetings.
- Have knowledge of the association and personal commitment to its goals and objectives.
- Serve on the Executive Committee.
- Record board and association minutes, and distribute to members in a timely manner.
- Ensure minutes are posted on the association website in a timely manner.
- Maintain all board records and ensure their accuracy and safety.
- Work with the board president to develop meeting agendas and ensure timely distribution.
- Assume responsibilities of the president in the absence of the board president and vice-president.
- Assist in providing training and the transition period of new board members.
- Maintain a current list of the Board of Directors, complete with term expiration dates and provide to nominating committee.
- Treasurer
The Treasurer shall:
- Attend all board meetings.
- Have knowledge of the association and personal commitment to its goals and objectives.
- Serve on the Executive Committee.
- Have a good understanding of financial principals.
- Serve as financial officer of the association.
- Prepare an annual budget for approval by the board and support by the full association membership.
- Ensure that accurate financial reports are presented at board and association meetings.
- Manage the board and association’s review of and action related to financial responsibilities.
The executive committee will consist of the officers of the association. The committee is responsible for meeting notices and setting agendas. The committee will also be responsible for annually reviewing bylaws and presenting recommended changes to the board and full association.
The nominating committee shall be appointed and function in accordance with the provision of Article III, Section 4. The committee shall try to ensure geographic and tribal board representation from around the state.
Standing committees of the association are Legislative/Advocacy, Membership/Communication, Website, and Training. The president may appoint other ad-hoc committees as are necessary for the transaction of the business of this association.
The majority of a committee shall constitute a quorum. These committees shall establish purpose statements and meeting requirements, and will report to the board as necessary and to the association at least annually.
Section 4
Members in good standing may be appointed by the President to represent the association on other boards, task forces, committees, etc. when requested and as needed.
The annual meeting of this association shall be held in conjunction with the spring association meeting as determined by the board of directors. Regular meetings of the general membership may be held at such times and places as may be determined by the membership or board of directors. Action may be taken by a majority of the membership present.
The President, the Board of Directors or ten (10) percent of the members of this association may call a special membership meeting, providing that three (3) weeks written notice is given. The quorum for a special membership meeting will be twenty (20) percent of total membership.
The procedures for all meetings of this association, whether board of directors, committees, or general membership, shall be those provided in Robert’s Rules of Order, when not consistent with these bylaws.
These bylaws will be reviewed annually, and may be amended at any regular meeting by a two-thirds vote of the general membership present and voting, provided that such amendment shall first have been submitted to the Board of Directors and to the association membership at least 10 days prior to a regular meeting.
Date last amended: 05/18/18